I am pretty sure most of you people who has been in the black metal scene for a while and going to festivals will know Freezing Moo. An amazing live photographer and a fellow black metal nerd.

I met her trough Mayhem, and she has inspired me in so many ways, in her always happy mood, her funny jokes and her art.

Saddenly, she passed away in 2022 after a long fight with breast cancer. I wanted to honor her with a painting inspired by some of her black and white photos.

What is a better way to honor her, than showing this painting off for the first time, than Inferno festival. I hope you enjoy it. Freezing Moo will forever be in my thoughts whenever I listen to Mayhem.

“Freezing Moo” acrylics on canvas 70x90cm
Dotwork and bright acrylic paint to get the contrast
Freezing Moo
Me and her in tokyo
Of course we had matching Mayhem tattoos

Thank you for the friendship, and you will be forever missed.


Finally another snowboard trip! This time we joined Deeper Adventures to Kosovo and North Macedonia. Two countries that I had absolutely no idea I would ever go to, but oh so exciting to experience a complete different culture! I did bring my old camera too, and here are some pictures from it.

North Macedonia

Cat posing in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia
A sweet face outside the hotel in Skopje
The rental car
First day in Kosovo
Dina Træland who arranged the trip
A meeting about avalange and safety in the mountains


Was honored to make this tribute of Martin Ain on the legend Anders Odden of Cadaver… Hellhammer was one of my biggest inspirations growing up. Thank you for the trust!

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