Headed up to Trolltunga in Odda. A hike I always wanted to go.

We started walking up pretty late at night and camped for a night.

I knew this trip was hard, but with all the melting snow and the sunny weather it was even harder than I imagined.

We made it to the top though! Not too many people and we got some pictures.

Espen making coffee at the top

A little rest before the steps on the way down again.


On of my favorite artists Richey Beckett made a collaborative art project online during the lockdown. He made the base skull, and then different artists was allowed to make something out of it. This was mine. Everyone should check this guys art out. You have probably seen some of it before if you are into music.


Finally got some cool shots of this sleeve I finished a while back. We added some leaves down by the wrist, but the rest is all healed up.

Psychedelic goat
The reaper


Since the whole world is in lockdown, we decided to spend the Norwegian constitution day at my cabin. Usually the whole city is filled with drunk people celebrating. I have always wanted to go skiing, but my fear of not showing off my bunad has stopped me for years. But this year… since everything else is cancelled and I am already staying away from people, my little dream came through.

This is by the fishing water not far from my cabin. Very cold….

Espen`s bunad is from Gudbrandsdalen and mine is from Rogaland
I have never felt more Norwegian in my life….


Queen of D00M

Was supposed to be used for a band, but never happened. Too much work was put into this one to not show it… the model is my forever muse Barbara Steel

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